Minced Seafood Satay (Sate Lilit)

By Unknown → Sunday 6 July 2014


  • 300 g (10 oz) skinned baneless snapper fillet
  • 300 g (10 oz) raw prawns, peeled
  • 2 cups freshly grated coconut, or 1½ cups dessicated coconut, moistened
  • ½ cup seafood spice paste (see recipe)
  • 5 fragrant lime leaves, cut in hair-like shreds
  • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns, finely crushed
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 3-5 green bird's eye chillies, very finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • lemon grass, cut in 15 cm (6 in) lengths, for satay skewers 

This is probably the most delicious satay you'll ever encounter. The delicate flavours of the prawn and fish are greatly improved. You can find spears of fresh lemon grass to use as skewers, and if you can cook them over a fire of coconut husks rather than charcoal. Nonetheless, even with wooden skewers and a standard charcoal grill, you will have people coming back for more.
Made Sariyanta

I'm Made Sariyanta. A part-time English Teacher. I enjoy blogging about Bali. Occasionally travel around Bali to appreciate the beauty of Bali island. I also a co-founder of a small Bali Tours operator.

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